Friday, September 4, 2009

A Second attempt at blogging

Unfortunately, I have not been able to meet my objectives around documenting all my findings for my final year project. Working and studying does take a lot of time and effort and at some point documenting was the least of my considerations.

However, I succeeded in completing my final year project. My timetabling systems rocked and generated timetables through a batch process and displayed them on a real calendar.

During my presentation, it was more than apparent that my lecturers liked it a lot ;). I finally came out with a Distinction, something I never thought would happen given the amount of time I spent at work instead of lectures.

I have been promoted as Technical Architect now at TNT and got the opportunity to work on an Architectural Spike aimed at identify new web UI standards for our organization. Since our projects are kicking off now, I think it is time that we finalize these standards and as such my research at home will aim at identifying and structuring these UI standards through this blog. Eventually, I will document these in a more formal manner.

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